Our March newsletter brings you an ePaper telling you everything you need to know about the now new Biodiversity Net Gain rules, an article published in The Times on why construction product regulation may be the new “Post Office scandal”, a compendium of all our 2023 ePapers, news from MIPIM and our latest Podcast.
ePaper: Biodiversity Net Gain
Welcome to the March edition of the Ridgemont newsletter.
It has been an increasingly optimistic start to the year with Developer and Contractor clients seeking legal advice from us on a variety of new projects, from a 150 unit mixed-use scheme in West London to a development of a landmark grade II heritage site in Hampshire.
With the new Biodiversity Net Gain rules becoming effective, I again begin this letter talking about a “perfect storm” for Developers. That being said, with last week’s announcement that inflation has fallen to 3.4%, there is room for optimism.
I was at MIPIM this month and there was a mood of cautious optimism amongst everybody there. That reinforces CBRE’s view, from a recent event that I attended, that Q3 and Q4 this year will see gentle growth leading to substantial growth in 2025.
The future looks bright. I hope you enjoy the content below.
If you have a current legal issue that is sitting on your desk, then please email Tim Seal on tseal@ridgemont.co or call us on 0203 909 9590.
The Times
Ridgemont’s Managing Director John Wallace features in The Times, where he explains why the government urgently needs to address the issue of construction product safety.
ePaper Almanac 2023
Unlock valuable insights with our free ePaper Almanac 2023. Dive into a wealth of knowledge! Thank you to all our contributors who provided valuable expertise.
Colin McLoughlin | Ridgemont
Our latest Podcast sees Colin McLoughlin, Chairman of General Demolition, discuss how to build a successful business and a portfolio of assets.
MIPIM 2024
Ridgemont’s Managing Director John Wallace had a fantastic time at Mipim. Great to catch up with connections and meet some new faces. Here is John with Mike Feasey & David Burke from Secure Trust Bank.