Our September newsletter sees an ePaper on JCT 2024, our published articles in The Times, New Civil Engineer and an update on The Ridgemont Pavilion!
JCT 2024 ePaper
Welcome to the September edition of the Ridgemont newsletter.
Each article is designed to provide you with a way to consolidate and grow your legal and sector knowledge in just a few minutes.
You can also gain CPD points by watching professional produced construction and real estate specific legal training videos in our knowledge hub here.
If you have a current legal issue that is sitting on your desk, then please email Tim Seal on tseal@ridgemont.co or call us on 0203 909 9590..
New Civil Engineer
Ridgemont’s Head of Construction, Tim Seal, discussed the issues presented by crumbling concrete and what building owners and managers should do if they’re at risk of having RAAC in their buildings in New Civil Engineer.
The Times & The Sunday Times
Ridgemont’s Managing Director, John Wallace, discussed the safety concerns and legislation surrounding asbestos in schools where crumbling concrete is present in The Sunday Times.
Ridgemont Pavilion
The Ridgemont Pavilion had The Who Tribute Act perform! Funds raised support the academy being able to offer football for all so thank you to everyone who attended and bought tickets.
About Us
Thinking about instructing us? You might ask yourself Why Ridgemont? Our advice is not legalistic and academic, but commercial and pragmatic. You can apply it to your immediate business needs.