Government funding to develop RAAC testing
The Manufacturing Technology Centre has secured a £3m government grant to develop new technologies to identify RAAC and measure its condition in public buildings.
The Manufacturing Technology Centre was established in 2010 as an independent Research & Technology Organisation, with the objective of bridging the gap between academia and industry.
Steve Nesbitt, Chief Technologist of the Built Environment division of the Manufacturing Technology Centre commented, “Securing £3m from Innovate UK enables further vial research in Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete…The funding will be used to facilitate industry collaboration into using Non-Destructive Testing to identify RAAC in buildings and assess its condition. We will also develop an automated way to collect and analyse data about RAAC so that cases be assessed rapidly and more cost-effectively”.
The government has published an updated list of 231 schools and colleges and 42 hospitals (3 have been remediated) that are affected by RAAC. The government announced funding of £698m to be used by NHS England to carry remediation works and failsafe measures by 2025.
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